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【来源:  日期:2024/03/04 15:41:50    浏览量: 】








赵福平,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2009年获中国农业大学博士学位;2009-2011年在美国加州大学和杜兰大学做博士后;20134-20135月在爱尔兰农业与食品发展部的动物牧草研究和创新中心进行合作交流;20156-201512月在瑞典农业大学做访问学者;201611-201711月作为第3批“甘肃省引进金融和科技人才”挂职于甘肃庆阳市农牧局和市农业科学研究院,任副局长和副院长。2011年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。主要从事统计基因组学和猪遗传育种研究,现任中国畜牧兽医学会养猪学分会和动物遗传育种分会理事,以及中国农业科学和Animal Research and One Health青年编委。2014年入选所“优青杰青后备人才”,2015年入选江苏省“双创”人才






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目集成多组学全基因整联模型的GEBV估计新方法(编号:32172702

2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“地方猪基因组选择方法和策略研究”(编号:2021YFD130110203



1. Fuping Zhao, Pengfei Zhang, Xiaoqing Wang, Deniz Akdemir, Dorian Garrick, Jun He, Lixian Wang*. Genetic gain and inbreeding from simulation of different genomic mating schemes for pig improvement. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2023, 14:87

2. Xiaoqing Wang, Ligang Wang, Liangyu Shi, Pengfei Zhang, Yang Li, Mianyan Li, Jingjing Tian, Lixian Wang*, Fuping Zhao*. GWAS of reproductive traits in Large White pigs on chip and imputed whole-genome sequencing data. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23(21):13338

3. Tianyu Deng, Pengfei Zhang, Dorian Garrick, Huijiang Gao, Lixian Wang*, and Fuping Zhao*. Comparison of genotype imputation for SNP array and low coverage whole genome sequencing data. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022, 12:704118

4. Jiaxin Liu#, Liangyu Shi#, Yang Li, Liang Chen, Dorian Garrick, Lixian Wang*, and Fuping Zhao*. Estimates of genomic inbreeding and identification of candidate regions that differ between Chinese indigenous sheep breeds Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2021, 12:95

5. Liangyu Shi#, Ligang Wang#, Jiaxin Liu, Tianyu Deng, Hua Yan, Longchao Zhang, Xin Liu, Hongmei Gao, Xinhua Hou, Lixian Wang* and Fuping Zhao*. Estimation of inbreeding and identification of regions under heavy selection based on runs of homozygosity in a Large White pig population. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2020, 11:46

6. Tongyu Zhang#, Hongding Gao#, Goutam Sahana, Yanjun Zan, Hongying Fan, Jiaxin Liu, Liangyu Shi, Hongwei Wang, Lixin Du, Lixian Wang* and Fuping Zhao*. Genome-wide association studies revealed candidate genes for tail fat deposition and body size in the Hulun Buir sheep. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2019, 136(5):362-370

7. Fuping Zhao, Sinead McParland, Francis Kearney, Lixin Du* and Donagh Berry*. Detection of selection signatures in dairy and beef cattle using high density genomic information. Genetic Selection Evolution. 2015, 47:49.

8. 专利:一种优质肉羊新品系的培育方法(ZL2014I0396414.0),2016年,国家发明专利,第4

9. 软件著作权:数量性状基因组选择的前相关压缩贝叶斯软件,软件著作权,2018年,第1

10. 软件著作权:猪基因组育种估计的GBLUP计算软件,软件著作权,2019年,第1